- Mail: Linus Torvalds announces Linux
- Mail: Linus Torvalds open-sources Linux
- Mail: Ian Murdock announces Debian
- Mail: Marc Andreessen proposes the <img> html tag
- Mail: Satoshi Nakamoto presents Bitcoin
- Background: How We Got the Generics We Have (Or, how I learned to stop worrying and love erasure)
- Why do we call it "boilerplate code?"
- Vint Cerf on the origin of RFCs
- The seven programming ur-languages
Functional Programming
- What’s So Great About Functional Programming Anyway?
- What Color is Your Function? (not strictly about FP, but you could consider it so, given promises are monads)
- Category: The Essence of Composition
- Functors, Applicatives, And Monads In Pictures
- Partial application is dependency injection
- The Grand Unified Theory of Software Architecture
- Expressions vs. statements
- Algebraic Effects for the Rest of Us
- So You Want to be a Functional Programmer (Part 1)
Et Cetera
- Parse, don’t validate
- Effective ML Revisited — I think this is the source of the phrase "Make illegal states unrepresentable"
- Designing with types: Making illegal states unrepresentable
- The Typestate Pattern in Rust
- Using a Framework will harm the maintenance of your software
- Composition Root by Mark Seemann
- -2000 Lines Of Code
- Should class be considered harmful in JavaScript?
- Goodbye, Object Oriented Programming
- Status as a Service
- How Shazam Works
- Cognitive Load